free workshop

Learn From One of The Top Coaches Online,

Colleen Nichols of No Shame Sales Game!

JOIN US LIVE FOR the big reveal:

Collab with Colleen

Use BossLady Bio's newest feature to avoid the summer slump


12:00 PM EST

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you'll learn

Industry leader, Colleen Nichols, will share tips for avoiding the summer slump in sales using an exclusive NEW feature of BossLady Bio

Have you heard what everyone's buzzing about online?
Quick Click Events are the most exciting (and successful) way to reach new and current customers. Host one of these modern virtual events that will go to work for you; all while you multi-task a busy summer lifestyle. Not familiar with them? We will break it all down for you on this workshop!

Wish you could hire a professional event planner to help you host those virtual events?
Well it's your lucky day, because now you can! With our newest feature, we have collaborated with Colleen Nichols to help us build out the best Quick Click Event with all of her tips making it easy for you to just click and host! This event could improve your chances of actually engaging your guests AND creating excitement?

Do you love done-for-you tools that simplify your business?
Tools that allow you to easily add your personal touch and then launch it as your own? You've got to see this brand new/game-changing feature that BossLady Bio is giving you a sneak peak into on this exclusive workshop with exclusive access to join the VIP waitlist!

about your speaker

Colleen Nichols

No Shame Sales Game & Direct Selling growth community

Colleen is the founder of DSGC, creator of the No Shame Sales Game Instagram account and has been in network marketing for nearly 5 years. She quickly rose to the top of her company's compensation plan and has continued to grow a global team since joining in 2017.

Colleen has built her entire network marketing business via social media (yes, that means she's never personally hosted an in-person event) and half of her direct downline started as strangers on the internet. She knows how to effectively use social media to leverage and grow a business, and she is teaching DSGC members how to do the same.

Colleen engages in DSGC daily, hosts weekly group coaching calls, and trains monthly within the community.

IG: @noshamesalesgame

JOIn the waitlist here - all rights reserved -

JOIn the waitlist here - all rights reserved -